September 2023 – Board Minutes

  • The minutes from the August 2023 board meeting were approved.
  • Upcoming events were discussed, including a club maintenance day, community event at Como Park, ice maintenance training, league start dates, youth open house, beginner curling lessons, a visit from Tyler George, and more.
  • Board member assignments to three work streams (Member Experience, Finances & Planning, and Awareness Raising) were made.
  • The treasurer's report was given, including an overview of finances, insurance information, and budget approval. A CD investment was approved.
  •  Updates were provided on operations like the liquor license, club website/registration, and bylaws.
  •  Proshop updates and ordering inventory were discussed.
  • Plans for a volunteer thank you event in November were made.
  • Marketing updates were given.
  • Safe sport certification requirements for working with youth were brought up.
  • Other topics like stone handle sales, Veterans program, and upcoming bonspiels were discussed.

The next board meeting is scheduled for October 12th.